Graphic Design Request Form
Use this form to advertise your event.
The following deadlines will allow the graphic design team adequate time for processing:
Digital Graphics: Please submit 3 weeks in advance.
Flyers/postcards/invite cards: Submit form 3 weeks prior to planned distribution.
Banners: Submit form 4 weeks prior to planned distribution.
Website: Submit content and suggestions at any time. Implementation is up to the team’s discretion (ex: Event info. for web calendar should be submitted through planning team first and will be forwarded).
Weekly email/email graphic: All requests for inclusions should be submitted 3 weeks in advance.
Social media: Requests for social media promotion should be submitted 4 weeks before desired date of distribution and is subject to approval.
Clothing/Merch: Please submit form 6 weeks from when you need them.
Wall Design: Please submit form 2 weeks from when you need it.
Our graphic design policies honor ALL copyright laws and no images or other media will be shown without proper copyright permissions.