Next Steps Form Name * First Name Last Name Email * Mobile Phone Number * (###) ### #### Birthday MM DD YYYY Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Spouse Name If you're married and your spouse was a first time guest today, please enter their name. First Name Last Name I am a * Please choose the option that best applies to you. First-time Visitor Regular Attender My Next Step * I decided to follow Jesus for the first time I am ready to get baptized I would like to join a Life Group I would like to dedicate my child I would like to attend Open House Something else If something else, let us know Have you attended Open House? * Yes Not yet Would you like to share a testimony or prayer request? Any additional questions we can answer, or information you would like? Thanks for submitting this form! Your information has been received, and we’ll be in touch, soon. In the meantime, feel free to browse our site and get to know more about our church.